Chimni has been announced as the sponsor of a special event at the Chiswick Book Festival focussing on House Histories.  As a new edition of her book House Histories is published, Britain’s leading house historian, Melanie Backe-Hansen, uncovers the hidden stories and secrets of ordinary and extraordinary houses across the country. She will reveal fascinating stories of people and events she has uncovered in her work researching the history of houses, with particular examples of houses from Chiswick and west London. Introduced by Torin Douglas, director of the Chiswick Book Festival.

Chimni MD Nigel Walley was interviewed about the arrival of 'digital handover packs' for April's 'Showhouse Magazine'. He described how products like Chimni can be a companion piece for the whole life cycle of the home, with elements to help the buying & selling process, planning applications and insurance management.

Chimni is working on an integration project to link a homeowners core Chimni log, with local authority planning systems.  The intention is to enable homeowners to build the information required to submit a Planning Application within their Chimni logbook and then submit it automatically at the touch of a button (see image below).  The intention is to support innovation currently happening with 'PlanTech' among local authorities and to ensure planning permission information is stored in a format compatible with the home buying and selling process (when it is required). 

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