Hounslow Council have launched their first ever Digital Festival which will run throughout November. Over four weeks the event will feature 40 sessions, with headline appearances from some of the biggest names in the digital world – including Microsoft, Amazon and Google as well as local innovators like smart home app Chimni!

The council have planned a diverse range of sessions, covering everything from new technology, enhancing your career, improving wellbeing and managing our lives.

Chimni will be running an online workshop called “Managing Your Home Online in the Digital Age”. The session will help residents understand the new information available online to help them manage their homes, and review the new tools and services being launched by utilities, insurance companies, agents and local authorities that they may like to explore. The session details are below and users can sign up on the Council website:

“Managing Your Home In The Digital Age” 

Monday 23rd November (14:00 – 15:00)


We look forward to seeing you online!



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