Everything is turning 'digital'  - a Chimni Log will put you in control  


Every organisation we deal with as homeowners is turning 'digital'.  Everything we do - from bill paying to buying & selling - is moving online, and new systems are being invented that bring even more new tech into our homes.  We used to file paper records but increasingly are being asked to use seperate and different apps for everything. The result is a chaotic mess of apps, passwords and competing services. Chimni simplifies this into a single, easy to use online dashboard and toolkit.


What Chimni Does

Chimni gives you access to your home information when you need it most and includes:

'Serious Stuff' - Secure storage for legal / purchase / planning & building control docs

'Organised Stuff' - Templated project plans for all decoration / DIY / extension projects built around an interactive set of floorplans.

'Day To Day Stuff' - an online dashboard giving immediate access to all account info for utilities, insurance companies.

'Helpful Stuff' - online tools such as inventory managers that let you link automatically to your insurers for better cost management.

'Emergency Stuff' - quick access to all household info, instructions, locations and phone numbers needed in emergencies.

'Social Stuff' - links to all the Residents Groups and local, social organisations you are a member of where you live.

'Fun Stuff' - a set of fun activities - from house histories to room personalisation-  designed to drive regular visits and interaction with Chimni.




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